Our product range

Water-soluble fluids

The element of water represents the dynamic of the water-soluble fluids. Continuous changes of the law demand a high level of flexibility from manufacturers – just like water, which always finds its way to the oceans. That is why the product names represent names of rivers.                          show products

Metalworking oils

What does the element earth stand for? Being practical, solid and reliable. A mirror of the Jokisch metalworking oils. This product group is used for severer and severest operations and thus providing excellent resistance against applied process stress. Mountains as new product names are perfectly reflecting this rigidity of metalworking oils .show products

Anti-Spatter Products for Welding

The inspiration for this product group is the element fire. Sparking fires during welding immediately link to volcanic eruptions. That is why volcanos gave their names for the new  names in the group of antispatter welding products. show products

Anti-Corrosion Products

In the product group corrosion protection, the element air symbolizes what we want to protect from – the oxygen as component of the air. The visible conglomeration of air are clouds, hence cloud names are providing the names for this product group. show products


The “element” of light has the attribute of clarity, versatility and individualism. Just like the Jokisch product group accessories, in which there are various different products compiled. show products

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