Find out about Jokisch's association memberships and learn more about the associations.
Verband Schmierstoffe-Industrie e.V.
The German Lubricant Industry Association (Verband Schmierstoff-Industrie e.V.). (VSI) is an association of all major manufacturers of automotive and industrial lubricants in Germany.
With over 50 member companies, the VSI represents more than 90% of the German lubricant industry. In addition to the large, multinational oil companies, small and medium-sized companies are also members. The VSI provides information on current and planned legal measures and sub-legal regulations.
OWL Maschinenbau
Jokisch is an associated partner of OWL Mechanical Engineering.
Associated partners are companies that are not mechanical engineering companies or strategically important supplier companies or value-added partners of the industry from OstWestfalenLippe. Associated partners promote and support the association in the implementation of the association's goals.
What is OWL Mechanical Engineering?
The industry and innovation network OWL MASCHINENBAU has set itself the task of strengthening the economic and technological leadership of the high-performance region OstWestfalenLippe in international competition.
With almost 300 companies and over 42,000 employees, mechanical engineering and automation technology are historically grown core competencies of the region.
Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft
The BVMW is a cross-professional and cross-industry, party-politically neutral business association and represents the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises vis-à-vis politicians, authorities and trade unions.
- bundles the forces of the entrepreneurial middle class
- actively lobbies at all political levels
- fights for improved economic policy framework conditions
- exerts influence on legislative projects and regulations
- makes the voice of small and medium-sized businesses heard in public
As a protective and self-help organization, BVMW offers extensive services at local, regional, national and international level.
The association's philosophy is based on four pillars:
Political representation of interests
Only as a strong community of solidarity can small and medium-sized enterprises influence the economic policy framework.
Including its member associations, BVMW speaks for more than 270,000 companies with around 9 million employees.
Personal advice
A nationwide network of more than 300 offices offers entrepreneurs individual support from a personal contact person on site.
A nationwide network of more than 1,000 tax advisors, lawyers and management consultants safeguards business decisions.
Communicative events
More than 2,000 BVMW events and seminars are held nationwide every year.
Up-to-date information gives entrepreneurs a decisive competitive edge.
New business contacts are made from entrepreneur to entrepreneur.
Practical information
Innovative services support the company management.
Quick and competent assistance is provided in solving legal and business management problems.
Concrete assistance is provided in obtaining information for economic activities abroad.